Mining Locations
Plio Eurl VS-x b42-5
Not overlapping. Large spots. Anarchy system – no pirates/bandits dropping in on you.
Dumbooe XX-H c23-101
This double painit spot has a baby. I will watch it grow into a triple spot.
Synuefae FE-G b3-0
Just a tritium overlap a little further away to refuel your carrier.
Bleia Dryiae NT-V b49-4
No pirates
Gria Drye BB-J c11-7
Two double-overlap Platinum, no pirates, about 1,000 lys off of the Colonia Highway so it’s not too inaccessible to fleet carriers. The Gria Drye sector is also full of unexplored systems for the benefit of explorers.
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-106
Large hotspot enveloping smaller hotspot. Resubmitting with image highlighting drop location
HIP 42196
A ring has a Serendibite double overloap and a Musgravite x Monazite overlap.
LP 847-48
I use it from time to time, its quiet out of the way and the Hotspots are large.
col 359 sector ba-x c2-14
Nice place in the middle of nowhere to mine Tritium for fleet carriers plus void opals and Low temp diamons
Hegua PO-O C20-5
Y star with big ring.
A concentration of the most profitable ores in the game on the same planet.
Thaileia YN-B c29-11
double monazite, far from the bubble, there are many different overlapping fields, an fleet carrier is recommended
Pyramio UF-V b7-4
Far from the bubble, there is an intersecting birthplace of tritium, low temperature diamonds, alexandrite, Grandidierite, and some mixed deposits, an fleet carrier is recommended
Pyramio KC-Z c2-6
double Low Temperature Diamonds
Pyramio ND-F c9
Behind the bubble, an fleet carrier is recommended
Pyramio ND-F c9
Behind the bubble, an aircraft carrier is recommended, double overlap
Lysoorb SI-S d4-15
just one overlap of 2 Serendibis hotspots
Lysoorb TY-X c15-1
Double Alexandrite right next to double Benitoite. In a very small area you have a triple overlap
Eodgorks QD-V b30-6
A good place to get Tritium far from the bubble, I mean, just in case. No pirates, a quiet place to mine asateroids.
Outopps BD-C c13-0
outside the bubble, no pirates, deep space mining experience. the presence of a fleet carrier is recommended
71 omicron geminorum
i have alos gotten samarium palladium osmium its very quit here and easy going able to get lots of platnium here and i sell to taleo system
Eol Prou WI-W b17-2
The ring is absolutely loaded with material spots looking a little bit like cheese with a Double Tritium hotspot and with in 30 LY of Colonia making it perfect for a free fill up with a mining ship for your or others fleet carriers.
HR 3007
Quiet, close to jump arrival point. Chill mining experience. There is one Haz rez available if that is your thing.
Overlapping bromellite, great view of a nebula and a dense star pattern from rim area.
COL 285 Sector EF-N A50-5
Multiple high demand and high sell price materials, no overlaps but there’s little traffic.
NB! There are no overlapping hotspots in Valhaling 2. Fleet carriers belonging to the local minor faction are often stationed in the system. They buy the painite at just above galactic average so it’s a quick trip from the hotspot to the carriers. The minor faction ruling the system is Galactic Vikings, their carriers have…
This site is in the same system as a high demand high buy price station for monazite (reinhold dock). System is high population with medium security.
Mining Public Service Announcement
Elite Dangerous General Mining Overview
The below is a general overview that should explain the basics of mining and how to get started. To offer you as many resources as possible, here is a growing community driven Google document that thoroughly explains mining in Elite Dangerous. Click here to check out the document by /u/ED_Churly.
- Mining in Elite Dangerous is a complex and multifaceted game mechanic. It ties into player skill, game markets prices, and now with Fleet Carriers, user driven economies.
- There are risks, and rewards, and the possibility for many experiences that are truly unique and authentic.
- Some players hate mining. I however, along with many others, find it, well, relaxing and rewarding.
- Be sure to check out the other top links to learn about the different aspects of mining, such as the mechanics, the equipment needed, the locations to mine, the risks of doing so, and the rewards that wait at the other end.
- In summary, some ringed planets in the game Elite Dangerous have what are called Hotspots. While in the lowest Supercruise speed possible within range of the rings, Hotspots are only revealed by a Detailed Discovery Scanner (a special module that takes an Optional Slot).
- These Hotspots contain millions of asteroids and correspond to areas that can be mined.
- The name of the Hotspot indicates the material you will expect to find there.
- The spot isn't limited to only that material, but does mean chances of finding that material are higher.
- For example, overlapping LTD (Low Temperature Diamond) Hotspots are highly desired because the prices seem to fluctuate between 1 and 1.6 million credits per ton.
- All forms of mining (Laser, Subsurface and Core) are profitable and quick because the probability of occurrence of asteroids you can mine stack with overlapping Hostspots.
Below is an example of what overlapping Hotspots look like.

- You enter Hotspots in Supercruise and need to slow down before you hit the ring to avoid hull damage.
- Then you must take a small trip to the ring plane where you scan the surrounding asteroids with a Pulse Wave Scanner (another needed module that takes up a Utility Slot).
- When the pulse is given, the asteroids that light up yellow or orange will have something to offer, the amount it has to offer, and how that asteroid should be mined to maximize its yield.
- All are different and typically correspond to the color the asteroid reflects, as well as the shape.
- For example, as of this guide, Icy core asteroids (ones you need to blow up) only have 1 shape.
The image below is a good example of the type of shape and color that will come with it. Notice the 'popcorn' shape. Mainly round and lumpy. Keep in mind this is an image of Ice based Asteroid. Metal-based are slightly different but with the same idea.

Here is a closer view of a Core Asteroid and its color. Notice it is lumpy and round-ish compared to other asteroids in the background. Take, for example, the asteroid to the left. It is more football-shaped with striations.

- Once you find an asteroid you want to explore further, you fire a Prospector Limpet at the asteroid.
- When you launch the prospector limpet you need to target the Prospector Limpet as it flies until it hits the asteroid, or target the limpet after it has scanned the asteroid.

Once you hear “Asteroid Scan Complete” you can see what the asteroid holds in the bottom left of your screen.

- You’ll also want to check your Contact Tab in the Navigation Panel to see if there are any Surface Deposits, Subsurface Deposits, and/or what Fissures are available to set charges in (more on this later).
- The information yielded from the prospector limpet lets you know what this asteroid holds.
- Now you must engage in that particular form of mining to extract the material (read the Mechanics Tab). Keep in mind, that this won't always be the case.
- These types of asteroids represent the minority of the ones that you'll scan. You'll have many false positives or low yields. This is a natural part of the mechanic, you have to find the asteroids.
In the screenshot below you can see the 8 Fissures you have to work with to crack the asteroid. This is Core Mining.

- As the material is extracted from the asteroid you’ll fire Collector Limpets to pick up the fragments (you’ll have to open your Cargo Hatch).
- Regardless of whether you Laser Mine, use Subsurface Displacement Missiles, or Seismic Charges, in all cases, you are producing Fragments.
- You’ll open your Cargo Hatch and let the Collector Limpets bring you the fragments produced.
- When the limpets deposit the fragments they initially deposit the fragments in a Refinery.
- Mining is impossible without a Refinery.

Further down the list, it appears we also have a Subsurface Deposit of Tritium on this Low-Temperature Diamond Core asteroid. So this particular asteroid allows me to mine for Fleet Carrier fuel as well as high paying credit tonnage.
You must mine the Surface and Subsurface Deposits first, then engage in Core Mining and set charges. In that order, you can maximize things. Blowing up the asteroid removed your Subsurface Displacement Missile option since that fracture gets destroyed on detonation.

- When you determine how to mine the asteroid each method will require a degree of skill.
- Laser is easiest
- Core is next
- Subsurface perhaps the hardest.
- The last two are debatable, but that is this author’s take.
Below is an asteroid with armed charges about to blow. Keep your distance! (1000km is a good rule). Keep in mind one asteroid can be mined in all three major ways, explained on the Mechanics Link.

Charges detonated. Seriously, keep your distance, or rely on the shield. Not a bad idea to put full pips to Systems.

Once fragments are free, either by Abrasion Blaster, Sub Surface Displacement Mining, or fragments removed from a Core explosion, this is where your limpets come into play. Fire limpets to collect your cargo.

- The Refinery takes the fragments and converts them into the material you want.
- For example, If core mining 3 or 4 LTD fragments usually equals 1 refined LTD, which is what you can sell.
- If you are laser mining a low percentage asteroid, over a dozen fragments may not equal even 1 piece of refined material.
- Point here is not all fragments are made equal.
- You can not sell the fragments, only collect and refine them, or you can clear out your Refinery if you choose, but you’ll lose those fragments.
- Also, when scanned, fragments will not show as cargo.
- The size of the Refinery dictates the number of ‘bins’ or extra slots that can be held.
- As material gets refined it removes the fragments from the Refinery and deposits the refined material in your available cargo space.

- Once done if scanned a pirate can now see you have valuable cargo.
- When your cargo hold is full, then no more fragments can be deposited, but the Refinery can still work and convert fragments to the material.
- This can happen until all the bins or extra slots in the Refinery are full.
- When this occurs you’ll see Resource Unallocated.
- Oftentimes abandoning limpets (versus jettisoning, since active limpets will try to recapture anything jettisoned vs abandoned) gives more space for the Refinery to dump its refined material into.
- This process is effectively repeated until your hold is full.
- If you have a Fleet Carrier then you can land there and store your material.
- If you do not own a Fleet Carrier or have access to one then you’ll need to sell your LTD’s to the highest paying station.
- is a good place to go to learn where to sell.
- Fly to the needed station to sell your cargo.
Below is a screenshot of a Billion Credit turn in!

- During your journey to sell your cargo, you can expect interdictions and resistance from those both real and NPC players trying to steal it from you.
- You can either comply and pay the demand, run, fight or die and lose it all.
- If you choose not to sell and carry this with you everywhere you go you’ll be pestered by many many pirates.
- It is recommended to play in Solo Mode while transporting cargo to a station. This removes the uncertainty of real players interdicting you, you’ll likely have cargo that is worth it.
If you choose to do this in Open Mode then play with honor and do not Combat Log (quite the game to avoid destruction). Playing in Open Mode is your declaration you are open to that kind of risk and the excitement and gameplay it brings. If that feels like it will piss you off then play in Solo Mode.
This concludes the Elite Dangerous Mining Overview Page. Be sure to check out the other links, this was only the beginning.