Eol Prou WI-W b17-2
The ring is absolutely loaded with material spots looking a little bit like cheese with a Double Tritium hotspot and with in 30 LY of Colonia making it perfect for a free fill up with a mining ship for your or others fleet carriers.
HR 3007
Quiet, close to jump arrival point. Chill mining experience. There is one Haz rez available if that is your thing.
COL 285 Sector EF-N A50-5
Multiple high demand and high sell price materials, no overlaps but there’s little traffic.
This site is in the same system as a high demand high buy price station for monazite (reinhold dock). System is high population with medium security.
Eng: Easy. Outside the bubble. No NPCs. On the Guardian route “Eta Carina Sector EL-Y d16” Ita: Facile. Fuori bolla. No NPC. Sulla rotta Guardian “Eta Carina Sector EL-Y d16”
Eol Prou IW-W E1-859
Multiple OverLaps (Platinum/Painite)
Voqooe PX-J c25-68
Just to log a deep space Tritium hotspot for possible carriers.
Swoilz WD-T D3-5
Lots of overlapping materials, notably a 2x Musgravite overlap, a 2x Alexandrite overlap, and a handful of mixed material hotspots as well.
Wregoe SD-A C1-0
Double overlap of Void Opals, along with a couple of single Low Temp Diamonds hotspots and 2 Alexandrite hotspots.