Synuefae FE-G b3-0
Just a tritium overlap a little further away to refuel your carrier.
Bleia Dryiae NT-V b49-4
No pirates
Gria Drye BB-J c11-7
Two double-overlap Platinum, no pirates, about 1,000 lys off of the Colonia Highway so it’s not too inaccessible to fleet carriers. The Gria Drye sector is also full of unexplored systems for the benefit of explorers.
col 359 sector ba-x c2-14
Nice place in the middle of nowhere to mine Tritium for fleet carriers plus void opals and Low temp diamons
Hegua PO-O C20-5
Y star with big ring.
A concentration of the most profitable ores in the game on the same planet.
Thaileia YN-B c29-11
double monazite, far from the bubble, there are many different overlapping fields, an fleet carrier is recommended
Lysoorb SI-S d4-15
just one overlap of 2 Serendibis hotspots
Lysoorb TY-X c15-1
Double Alexandrite right next to double Benitoite. In a very small area you have a triple overlap