Sub Surface
COL 285 Sector EF-N A50-5
Multiple high demand and high sell price materials, no overlaps but there’s little traffic.
Eng: Easy. Outside the bubble. No NPCs. On the Guardian route “Eta Carina Sector EL-Y d16” Ita: Facile. Fuori bolla. No NPC. Sulla rotta Guardian “Eta Carina Sector EL-Y d16”
Eol Prou IW-W E1-859
Multiple OverLaps (Platinum/Painite)
Voqooe PX-J c25-68
Just to log a deep space Tritium hotspot for possible carriers.
Spoihaae CK-Y c14-7
Though the sites are very small, they are very dense with valuable Metals and Minerals.
HIP 103571
It’s in the middle of nowhere, there’s little traffic, and close to starting systems for new players. Rhoduplumsite is on the outer ring, Platinum, Painite, and Serendibite are on the inner ring with an overlap between Platinum and Serendibite. I don’t know what kind of mining is required, but I was just exploring and found…
HIP 278 13 A
1OOt per hr averaging finding a core every 7-12min with constant med to high yields per core. No harassment from NPCs, very quiet neighbourhood Double overlap Rhodplumsite with multiple spots of others, also A7 is loaded but no over laps
Furuhjelm III-674
Lots of Hotspots for different mining possibilities, with lots of Fleet Carriers that resotck limpets. Not far from good selling spots as well. P.S. The double overlap is benitonite.
Flyaurps GH-L b22-0
A little signal is inside a bigger one, so going near the small tritium spot guarantee to have best mining.