Elite Dangerous Reddit News
- Happy Mining Commanders!
- Looking for meaning in your mining? Got a lacklustre laser? Not sure of the merit in...merits? The Sidewinder Syndicate can help!
- Cutter: which hard points to use for mining lasers?
- platium hotspot
- G Scorpii Platinum Laser Mining Map!
- Mining Research - Big Data Needed
- Not Getting Plat at Hotspot
- Core Miner's Dream-Ring with 41 Hotspots, all CM stuff, only 9K LY!
- Looking for mining opportunities? Our mining program might be for you! Join us to find out more about it!
- Merit Mining
- Prospecting for laser mining - Does the limpet need to stay attached?
- Can I create a ship to do all types of mining?
- type 8 or python for laser mining?
- Do you not use the PWA to Laser mining?
- On Xbox, need Osmium