Multiple Material Overlap
Thaileia YN-B c29-11
double monazite, far from the bubble, there are many different overlapping fields, an fleet carrier is recommended
Pyramio UF-V b7-4
Far from the bubble, there is an intersecting birthplace of tritium, low temperature diamonds, alexandrite, Grandidierite, and some mixed deposits, an fleet carrier is recommended
Pyramio KC-Z c2-6
double Low Temperature Diamonds
Lysoorb TY-X c15-1
Double Alexandrite right next to double Benitoite. In a very small area you have a triple overlap
Eodgorks QD-V b30-6
A good place to get Tritium far from the bubble, I mean, just in case. No pirates, a quiet place to mine asateroids.
Eol Prou IW-W E1-859
Multiple OverLaps (Platinum/Painite)
Swoilz WD-T D3-5
Lots of overlapping materials, notably a 2x Musgravite overlap, a 2x Alexandrite overlap, and a handful of mixed material hotspots as well.
HIP 103571
It’s in the middle of nowhere, there’s little traffic, and close to starting systems for new players. Rhoduplumsite is on the outer ring, Platinum, Painite, and Serendibite are on the inner ring with an overlap between Platinum and Serendibite. I don’t know what kind of mining is required, but I was just exploring and found…
COL 285 Sector AI-H C11-6
Various extremely valuable minerals and a Tritium / LTD overlap. No screenshot available.
Droju MZ-I c12-4
Lots of overlaps, really far out in the galaxy but tons of stuff to mine with a carrier with no one in sight to bother you