No Overlap
Plio Eurl VS-x b42-5
Not overlapping. Large spots. Anarchy system – no pirates/bandits dropping in on you.
Hegua PO-O C20-5
Y star with big ring.
71 omicron geminorum
i have alos gotten samarium palladium osmium its very quit here and easy going able to get lots of platnium here and i sell to taleo system
COL 285 Sector EF-N A50-5
Multiple high demand and high sell price materials, no overlaps but there’s little traffic.
NB! There are no overlapping hotspots in Valhaling 2. Fleet carriers belonging to the local minor faction are often stationed in the system. They buy the painite at just above galactic average so it’s a quick trip from the hotspot to the carriers. The minor faction ruling the system is Galactic Vikings, their carriers have…
This site is in the same system as a high demand high buy price station for monazite (reinhold dock). System is high population with medium security.
Eng: Easy. Outside the bubble. No NPCs. On the Guardian route “Eta Carina Sector EL-Y d16” Ita: Facile. Fuori bolla. No NPC. Sulla rotta Guardian “Eta Carina Sector EL-Y d16”
Voqooe PX-J c25-68
Just to log a deep space Tritium hotspot for possible carriers.
Spoihaae CK-Y c14-7
Though the sites are very small, they are very dense with valuable Metals and Minerals.
HIP 278 13 A
1OOt per hr averaging finding a core every 7-12min with constant med to high yields per core. No harassment from NPCs, very quiet neighbourhood Double overlap Rhodplumsite with multiple spots of others, also A7 is loaded but no over laps