Elite Dangerous Mining Locations
The below information is a combination of personal discovery, collected from other resources and websites, but at this point mainly equals CMDRs submitting different locations. Also, not all locations are necessarily Pristine Rings, so be sure to check that. Also, I've introduced the idea of Material Overlapping Hotspot. This is where two or more high paying DIFFERENT materials overlap. Even though they aren't the same, they are still typically bringing high prices. In the case the information is from another source, I try very hard to give proper credit to the CMDR and/or website. This gives them proper credit and promotes your journey of discovery.
Plio Eurl VS-x b42-5
Not overlapping. Large spots. Anarchy system – no pirates/bandits dropping in on you.
Dumbooe XX-H c23-101
This double painit spot has a baby. I will watch it grow into a triple spot.
Synuefae FE-G b3-0
Just a tritium overlap a little further away to refuel your carrier.
Bleia Dryiae NT-V b49-4
No pirates
Gria Drye BB-J c11-7
Two double-overlap Platinum, no pirates, about 1,000 lys off of the Colonia Highway so it’s not too inaccessible to fleet carriers. The Gria Drye sector is also full of unexplored systems for the benefit of explorers.
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-106
Large hotspot enveloping smaller hotspot. Resubmitting with image highlighting drop location
HIP 42196
A ring has a Serendibite double overloap and a Musgravite x Monazite overlap.
LP 847-48
I use it from time to time, its quiet out of the way and the Hotspots are large.
col 359 sector ba-x c2-14
Nice place in the middle of nowhere to mine Tritium for fleet carriers plus void opals and Low temp diamons
Hegua PO-O C20-5
Y star with big ring.
A concentration of the most profitable ores in the game on the same planet.
Thaileia YN-B c29-11
double monazite, far from the bubble, there are many different overlapping fields, an fleet carrier is recommended
Pyramio UF-V b7-4
Far from the bubble, there is an intersecting birthplace of tritium, low temperature diamonds, alexandrite, Grandidierite, and some mixed deposits, an fleet carrier is recommended
Pyramio KC-Z c2-6
double Low Temperature Diamonds
Pyramio ND-F c9
Behind the bubble, an fleet carrier is recommended
Pyramio ND-F c9
Behind the bubble, an aircraft carrier is recommended, double overlap
Lysoorb SI-S d4-15
just one overlap of 2 Serendibis hotspots
Lysoorb TY-X c15-1
Double Alexandrite right next to double Benitoite. In a very small area you have a triple overlap
Eodgorks QD-V b30-6
A good place to get Tritium far from the bubble, I mean, just in case. No pirates, a quiet place to mine asateroids.
Outopps BD-C c13-0
outside the bubble, no pirates, deep space mining experience. the presence of a fleet carrier is recommended
71 omicron geminorum
i have alos gotten samarium palladium osmium its very quit here and easy going able to get lots of platnium here and i sell to taleo system
Eol Prou WI-W b17-2
The ring is absolutely loaded with material spots looking a little bit like cheese with a Double Tritium hotspot and with in 30 LY of Colonia making it perfect for a free fill up with a mining ship for your or others fleet carriers.
HR 3007
Quiet, close to jump arrival point. Chill mining experience. There is one Haz rez available if that is your thing.
Overlapping bromellite, great view of a nebula and a dense star pattern from rim area.
COL 285 Sector EF-N A50-5
Multiple high demand and high sell price materials, no overlaps but there’s little traffic.
NB! There are no overlapping hotspots in Valhaling 2. Fleet carriers belonging to the local minor faction are often stationed in the system. They buy the painite at just above galactic average so it’s a quick trip from the hotspot to the carriers. The minor faction ruling the system is Galactic Vikings, their carriers have…
This site is in the same system as a high demand high buy price station for monazite (reinhold dock). System is high population with medium security.
Eng: Easy. Outside the bubble. No NPCs. On the Guardian route “Eta Carina Sector EL-Y d16” Ita: Facile. Fuori bolla. No NPC. Sulla rotta Guardian “Eta Carina Sector EL-Y d16”
You currently have guttors abc 2 listed as a double rhodplumsite, but it isn’t. Its a double overlap alexandrite.
Eol Prou IW-W E1-859
Multiple OverLaps (Platinum/Painite)
eeshoqs mn-k c24-28
Deep space carrier refuel point on near direct path to galactic core.
Voqooe PX-J c25-68
Just to log a deep space Tritium hotspot for possible carriers.
Spoihaae CK-Y c14-7
Though the sites are very small, they are very dense with valuable Metals and Minerals.
Swoilz WD-T D3-5
Lots of overlapping materials, notably a 2x Musgravite overlap, a 2x Alexandrite overlap, and a handful of mixed material hotspots as well.
Wregoe SD-A C1-0
Double overlap of Void Opals, along with a couple of single Low Temp Diamonds hotspots and 2 Alexandrite hotspots.
Wregoe JB-K c10-1
There is triple alexandrite overlap and double benitoite overlap
HIP 103571
It’s in the middle of nowhere, there’s little traffic, and close to starting systems for new players. Rhoduplumsite is on the outer ring, Platinum, Painite, and Serendibite are on the inner ring with an overlap between Platinum and Serendibite. I don’t know what kind of mining is required, but I was just exploring and found…
HIP 278 13 A
1OOt per hr averaging finding a core every 7-12min with constant med to high yields per core. No harassment from NPCs, very quiet neighbourhood Double overlap Rhodplumsite with multiple spots of others, also A7 is loaded but no over laps
LHS 277
Double Alexandrite, triple bromellite. For some reason game system map shows only 2 rings, but there is only 1.
COL 285 Sector AI-H C11-6
Various extremely valuable minerals and a Tritium / LTD overlap. No screenshot available.
Furuhjelm III-674
Lots of Hotspots for different mining possibilities, with lots of Fleet Carriers that resotck limpets. Not far from good selling spots as well. P.S. The double overlap is benitonite.
Flyaurps GH-L b22-0
A little signal is inside a bigger one, so going near the small tritium spot guarantee to have best mining.
tight grandidierite overlap close to colonia
if you are out in the colonia area and want to do some mining this is only 7.17LYs from colonia
Droju MZ-I c12-4
Lots of overlaps, really far out in the galaxy but tons of stuff to mine with a carrier with no one in sight to bother you
Hypau Chruia OZ-S b58-10
Of the four overlaps, the two in the middle are tritium hotspots, perfect for Fleet Carrier refueling.
Phrio Phoea RG-J d10-20
Double overlap Monazite, double overlap Serendibite.
Eol Prou OH-K C9-254
Its the second spot in the Eol Prou OH-K C9-254 System that I have found, only ~300 Ls further out. When paired with the Belt around Planet 3 you can find nearly all rare resources in the system, with the exception of Tritium, although I haven’t finished scanning yet so that might change.
Eol Prou OH-K C9-254
Right on the doorstep to Colonia, with lots of resources to mine and even two Overlaps as far as I could see. Not too far from the jump in point and quite quiet.
Eol Prou EV-E C12-132
There are two overlapping spots rather close to the jump in point of the system. For any miner located around Colonia this is quite a good system to have since its round about 4 jumps from Colonia, depending on ship.
HIP 98723
32.88ly away from Omicron Capricorni B system. 2:VOID OPALS , 1 TRITIUM.
HIP 98723
32.88ly away from Omicron Capricorni B system. 3:PLATINUM , 2:SERENDIBITE(1:RES HIGH!) , 2 PAINITE , 2 MONAZITE , 1:BENITOITE , 1:RHODPLUMSITE , 1:MUSGRAVITE ,
Overlaping spots
HR 4298
Very hot mining, low pirates.
Bleia Dryiae DX-A D14-17
Partial overlap of two Painite hotspots. Platinum and Rhodplumsite also present, but not overlapping. Hotspots In Total; Four Rhodplumsite, Three Painite, Two Platinum.
Pleiades Sector GW-W c1-15
nothing in particular. just a pristine monazite DO… 🙂 others are: platinum, serendibite, rhodplumsite, painite and musgravite close to the bubble and little traffic. 625 ls from system star.
Eol Prou IW-W e1-762
Abundance and diversity of resources, lack of pirates, proximity to the colony, very beautiful views.
It’s a relatively pretty system, sure. It’s also where the Marlinists decided to call home after all of the conflict surrounding the Empress. All that aside, the BIG draw is the only TRIPLE overlapping Monazite hotspot I have ever seen. And to make it even better, there is a Resource Extraction Site within the triple…
LP 834-42
This Planet is only 240LS from the drop-out star and it’s only 1 Jump away from 6 different sell stations that buy Monazite for 600k+-700k+ (at the time of writing this) Station – System – Sell Price – LY from System Veblen Colony – LHS 184 – $718,906 – 15.44 ly Bruce Depot – LHS…
Phroea Phio CE-L B14-7
Out in the black, this exploration watering hole will help boost your next exploration mission and provide fuel for your carrier. Located ~6 kylies from Sol, it’s quiet. No pirates. Careful flyers could exchange shields for extra cargo capacity. On the way home for anyone doing a circumnavigation, it could easily provide a welcome distraction…
LHS 6427
Pristine reserves single hotspot > common reserves all day long. The ring system contains 9 overlaps of varying degrees. The attached table lists the materials starting at the 9 o’clock hotspot and works clockwise around the ring image from the closest to the body to the furthest out. One Grandidierite site has an overlapping High…
Gludgae UJ-K b8-10
It has a Tritium Double Overlap and is on the route home for many doing a circumnavigation. In total it has 36 hotspots! So it makes a good watering hole for Carriers. Standard Density works out at 10.08, which indicates a good core density. 4 is only 1,166 ls from the K-type star, so no…
Hypoae Aihm KP-C c27-5
he ring density is 9.85. Co-Orbiting gas giant has Bromelite Overlap and is only a meagre jump away from another overlap hotspot system. This far out no one bothers you, though it needs a Fleet Carrier to reach.
Hypoae Aihm KP-C c27-6
Bromelite Overlap (hard to see as they are on top of each other) LTD Overlap plus a Tritium/LTD overlap. Ring has a standard density of 9.75 which indicates a good core density. Another planet in the same system has 6 Grandiderite Hotspots.
Nyeajaae OI-L b14-23
A long distance to the bubble
Ploi Aec AB-E b26-1
Signale: Alexandrit: 2 Grandidierit: 8 Tieftemperaturdiamanten: 7 Leerenopal: 6 Tritium: 9 Bromellit: 7
Graea Dryoae DU-H c26-0
Signale: Serendibit: 4 (overlap) Alexandrit: 6 Benitoit: 6 Musgravit: 5 Monazit: 1
Thaila XQ-Q c20-13
triple overlap VO.
Ellogy PM-W d1-294
Double Void Opal Overlap. While the overlap is small, they are still massive spots in pristine rings. Worth mining out if you’re on an expedition in the Vulcan’s Gate Region. Far from Civilization means NO PIRATES to hamper your mining efforts!
swoilz yq-j c10-2
No pirate around and near the ltd 4 spot system
Just one hotspot with pristine reserves. Ring around a beautiful purple/blue gas giant to look at if you get bored
Gcrv 375
When Mining there you have great visibility, there is almost no fog. I recommend mining at the double musgravite overlap. It is one of the favorite Mining spots from the YouTuber Hawkes gaming. Most of the time there are FC in the same system that sells the musgravite for 750k per ton. I don’t know…
Its cool
Dumbae DK-I d9-2101
Overlapping Hotspot 2x Serendebite very close to 3x Benitoide overlapping Hostpot at 11 o’clock position Overlapping Hotspot Musgravite/Benitoide (close to the body) and 2 x Musgravite overlapping Hotspot at 1 o’clock position Found in Ring Dumbae DK-I d9-2101 A 2 unfortunately 22,784.92 ly away from Sol and 3,117.17ly away from Sagittarius A*.
Shaulua ZG-R B48-0
Overlapping Tritium Hotspot. Qualifies as Easy as it is in the Outer Arm and zero pirates.
1 good double overlapping Bromellite hostspot. Within Haz Res areas, pirates will be around.
Omicron Capricorni B
HIP 16572
Directly from the referenced Reddit post: It is worth the time to go to HIP 16572. The planet is B 8 Ring B. It has 42 hotspots: 5 Alexandrite, 4 Bromellite, 9 Grandidierite, 6 Low Temperature Diamonds, 8 Void Opals and 10 Trition. Multiple Triple and Quadruple Overlays. It is the Motherlode of mining! The…
Many spots to choose from. Pristine reserves. The screenshots show a few and there a total of 33 hot spots. There seems to be double overlapping Monazite, and Serendibite hotspots at least. One of the screenshots shows a tight overlap of Rhodplumsite and Serendibite. Great location for many of the higher paying materials.
HR 6944
The following is from the referenced reddit link. Here is a list of the overlapping high-value Minerals (OHVM): If they are duplicated below it is because there is more than one of the exact same overlap. Monazite – 2x overlap Musgravite/Monazite – overlap Musgravite/Alexandrite – overlap Alexandrite/Benitoite/Musgravite – overlap Monazite/Serendibite – overlap Monazite/Serendibite – overlap…
HIP 95415
Double overlapping Benitoite, and other overlapping materials of different types.
LTT 9391
Major Reserves.
Arietis sector xz-p b5-3
The following information is from https://www.reddit.com/user/vanderaj/ on the referenced Reddit post. Planet Arietis Sector XZ-P b5-3 1 2Alexandrite 2Bromellite x 3 2Void opal Several overlaps are high value overlaps if you don’t mind collecting more than one type of minerals, e.g. there’s a Alexandrite + LTD + granderite + tritium quadruple, and several others besides.…
Hyades Sector ON-T C3-14
This is a great mining spot for all sorts of materials.
This is a good spot for Benitoite and Musgravite, two materials that typically have a high price.
HIP 22352
This system has two overlapping spots of both painite and platinum.
HIP 65126 – Serendibite
Overlapping Serendibite spot. There is another tight overlap of Benitoite in this same ring.
Col 285 Sector NI-O B21-6
This spot doesn’t have any same material overlaps, but does have a lot of different materials. This is a good spot for various materials.
HIP 65126 – Benitoite
Incredibly tight Benitoite overlap and beautiful system. There is another Serendibite hotspot overlap in the same ring.
Col 285 Sector UJ-G C11-6
The bromellite is a double overlapping hotspot. The are bonus spots that are NOT an overlap of the same material but rather three different types, Grandidierite, Void Opals, and LTDs. This is a useful spot for multiple mining opportunities.
HIP 49080
This is not an overlap of same material, but rather an opportunist overlap of Void Opals and LTDs. If you need or want to mine both, this is a good spot.
HIP 49104
Musgravite has been hard to find resources on so I added this one. There are also single Alexandrite and Monazite spots as well.
Lalande 34968
Text below taken from this url -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1okp9xLc_TsSleibSONaK1q8oGXxMMUm4wJmRm2ZbyPM/edit This is a Platinum mining map for Lalande 34968 AB 8, drop into the Resource Extraction Site at the Platinum Hotspot. As this is a Haz Res, you should expect to be attacked and you need to be capable of managing multiple attackers. All asteroids in the…
Col 285 Sector KD-R c5-12
At a distance, one is unable to tell a difference in overlap.
Greae Hypa TI-X b48-33
Extremely far from bubble. Mainly for Fleet Carriers near the center of the galaxy.
Col 285 Sector AQ-X d1-47
These overlaps are so close you almost can’t notice.
Hyades Sector DB-X D1-112
Map Created by: CMDR Churly
HIP 21991
Map Created by: CMDR Churly
HIP 100449
Another Platinum/Painite on planet 5
HIP 42168
Platinum/Painite on planet 8
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-106
Double Platinum on planet 5
LDS 413
Void Opal & Tritium hotspot. The 2 Tritium spots are so close together there is less than 5Ls between them. So far mining has been alright, hoping to find lots of high percentage rocks.
Double overlapping Alexandrite hotspot
Double overlapping Void Opal hotspot
HIP 95981
Double overlapping Void Opal hotspot
Guttors ABC 2
Double overlapping Rhodplumsite Hotspot
Serendibite hotspot
Double overlapping Void Opal hotspot.
Col 285 Sector TE-Q c5-7
Double overlap of Tritium with a very, very tight pattern.
Col 285 Sector IL-P B21-3
Weakly double overlapping Void Opals
Col 285 Sector MX-k B24-1
Double overlapping Low Temperature Diamonds
HIP 115094
Double overlapping Monazite Hotspot
Col 285 Sector MX-K B23-1
Double overlapping Low Temprature Diamonds.
HIP 4351
Below is the very tight overlap of HIP 4351. Shot was taken in the shadow for better examination. Since the mining nerfs of LTD’s the graphs are not relevant anymore.
Quadruple LTD hotspot. Since the mining nerfs of LTD’s the graphs are not relevant anymore.
Col 285 Sector CC-K a38-2 “Kirre’s Icebox”
Popular community spot. Totally saturated with Fleet Carriers for this post and surrounding systems.